Sunday, July 29, 2007

The absolute basics

Before I get into any strategy or types of games, there is a basic set-up that is followed in all types of poker. I will define any potentially confusing terms. If you are confused on something, just comment below.

Lets go over what will normally happen on any given hand in any poker game.

Pre-hand action. In all games, there will be some sort of pre-hand bet to ensure that players won't sit around, folding every hand, until they get something perfect. There are two types of this. This bet is put into the middle of the table, and it will financially grow over the course of the hand. This is called the pot.

Ante: An ante is a designated amount of money put into the pot by all people playing in the hand. If you don't ante, you don't play the hand.

Blind: Blinds are more complicated, but they are used in some poker games including the undeniably popular "Texas Hold'em." I will go into more depth when I explain games that use this.

The Deal. Next the cars will be dealt. They will either be dealt face up, face down, or a combination of up and down cards. Sometimes, your face down cards will be referred to as hole cards.

First round of betting. Now, everyone has their cards, and betting starts with the person to the left of the dealer and continues moving around the table clockwise. Depending on the game, a person could do one three things if no bet has been made.

Fold: This is the most important word in poker. Folding is when you don't think your cards can win, and you basically give up for that hand. Don't be afraid to fold.

Bet: Being the first person to put money in the pot on that round of betting. This is a strong move, and people will think you could have a good hand.

Check: Deferring your right to put money in the pot. It's like saying, "I bet nothing." The chance to make an opening bet get passed on to the next person. This can only be done if nobody has bet. If everyone remaining in the hand checks, the round of betting is over. Checking is the weakest move in poker except for folding.

A bet has been made! Now you have three other choices to consider.

Fold: You can always fold.

Call: To match the bet made by another player. You must at least call to stay in the hand.

Raise: When a person raises, not only do they match the bet made, but they put even more money ino the pot. This forces everyone else, even the original bettor, to put as much money as the person that raised did. This is the strongest move in poker that you can make.

The round of betting is over. The next thing that is done is very specific to the game, but whatever it is, it most likely has the possibility to make or break your chances of winning the hand. Here are some possibilities of what it could be.

This marks the end of the hand: The hand is over. Show your hand if you remain, and the best five card hand wins the pot.

Another card(s): A card dealt to you, face up or down, that only you can use. This would happen in 7 card stud or razz.

A community card: This is a card dealt face up in the middle of the table. Everyone can use this card in their hand. This happens in Texas Hold'em or Omaha.

Drawing: Here you have the opportunity to exchange a number of cards in your hand for new cards from the deck. This would happen in 5 and 7 card draw.

More betting: Another round of betting occurs where you have the same options as before. Then more cards, etc. Eventually, this stops according to what game your playing, or it will immediately stop if everybody except for one person has folded. In this case, that one person win the pot.

After all of that, chips have been lost by most and gained by one, and you get to do it all again on the next hand.



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